A Pausanias Reader in Progress

An ongoing retranslation of the Greek text of Pausanias, with ongoing annotations, primarily by Gregory Nagy from 2014 to 2022, and continued since 2022 by Nagy together with an intergenerational team. Based on an original translation by W. H. S. Jones, 1918 (Scroll 2 with H. A. Ormerod), containing some of the footnotes added by Jones. Editors: Keith DeStone, Elizabeth Gipson, Charles Pletcher Editor Emerita: Angelia Hanhardt Web Producer: Noel Spencer Consultant for images: Jill Curry Robbins To cite this work, use the following persistent identifier: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hlnc.prim-src:A_Pausanias_Reader_in_Progress.2018-.


10.2.1 When the forces of the Persians [Persai] crossed into Europe [Eurōpē], it is said that the men of Phokis were forced to join the Great King but defected from the side of the Medes [Mēdoi] and went over to the Greek side [tò Hellēnikon] on the occasion of the great deed-of-victory [ergon] at [the battle at] Plataea. Subsequently, it happened that a fine was imposed on them by the Amphiktyones. I cannot find out the truth [tò alēthes] of the story [logos], whether the fine was imposed because of some misdeeds [adikēmata] committed the people of Phokis, or whether the Thessalians imposed the fine on the people of Phokis because of their ancient hatred [mīsos].

10.2.2 Since they were disheartened at the greatness of the fine, Philomēlos, son of Theotīmos, than whom not one of the men of Phokis stood higher in rank, his country being Ledon, a city of Phokis, took charge and tried to persuade them to seize the sanctuary at Delphi, pointing out that the amount of the sum to be paid was beyond their resources. He stated, among other plausible arguments, that Athens and Sparta had always been favorable to them, and that if Thebes or any other state made war against them, they would have the better owing to their courage and resources.

10.2.3 When Philomēlos put all this before them, the men of Phokis were not unwilling, either because their judgment was blinded by the god [theos], or because their nature was to put gain before reverence-for-what-is-sacred [eu-sebeia]. The seizure of Delphi by the men of Phokis occurred when Hērakleidēs was president [prutanis] at Delphi and Agathokles was archon [arkhōn] in Athens, in the fourth year of the hundred and fifth Olympiad, when Prōros of Cyrene was victorious in the foot-race.*

10.2.4 When they [= the men of Phokis] had seized the sanctuary [hieron], the best mercenaries [xenika] in Greece right away gathered to join them, while the Thebans, who were already feeling hostile, declared open war against them. The war lasted ten successive years, and during this long time, victory [nīkân] often went to the men of Phokis and their mercenaries, but often the Thebans came-out-on-top [krateîn]. But then, in a battle thattook place at the city of Neōn, the men of Phokis were routed, and, as he was fleeing, Philomēlos threw himself down a high precipice, and so lost his life [psūkhē]. This was exactly the form of punishment [dikē] set by the Amphiktyones for those who plundered [the sanctuary of Delphi].

10.2.5 After the death of Philomēlos, the men of Phokis gave the command to Onomarkhos, while Philip, son of Amyntas, made an alliance with the Thebans. In the battle that took place, Philipcame out on top [krateîn], and, when Onomarkhos fled to the coast, his own men killed him by throwing their javelins at him. They blamed their defeat on his lack of boldness and on his inexperience as a general.

10.2.6 Such was the outcome [telos] that the superhuman force [daimōn] brought upon Onomarkhos, and his brother Phaülos was chosen as commander-in-chief. It is said that no sooner had this Phaülos attained rulership [arkhē] over the people of Phokis when he saw the following vision in a dream. Among the votive offerings [anathēmata] to Apollo was a representation [mīmēma] in bronze of a man’s body in an advanced stage of decay, with the flesh already fallen off, and nothing left but the bones. The Delphians said that it was an offering [anathēma] of Hippokrates the physician. Now the thought came to Phaülos that he resembled this offering [anathēmata]. Right away he was attacked by a wasting disease, which thus brought to fulfillment [epi-teleîn] the prophecy [manteiā] of the dream.

10.2.7 On the death of Phaylus, the sovereignty of the people of Phokis devolved on Phalaikos, his son. Phalaikos, accused of appropriating to his own use the sacred treasures, was deposed, and crossing with a fleet to Crete, accompanied by those men from Phokis who sided with him and by a part of his mercenaries, he sat down to besiege Kydonia, which refused to accede to his demand for money, and perished along with the greater part of his army.

1 357 BCE.