A Pausanias Reader in Progress

An ongoing retranslation of the Greek text of Pausanias, with ongoing annotations, primarily by Gregory Nagy from 2014 to 2022, and continued since 2022 by Nagy together with an intergenerational team. Based on an original translation by W. H. S. Jones, 1918 (Scroll 2 with H. A. Ormerod), containing some of the footnotes added by Jones. Editors: Keith DeStone, Elizabeth Gipson, Charles Pletcher Editor Emerita: Angelia Hanhardt Web Producer: Noel Spencer Consultant for images: Jill Curry Robbins To cite this work, use the following persistent identifier: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hlnc.prim-src:A_Pausanias_Reader_in_Progress.2018-.


9.26.1 So sacred this sanctuary has been from the beginning. On the right of the sanctuary is a plain named after Tenerus the seer, whom they hold to be a son of Apollo by Melia; there is also a large sanctuary of Hēraklēs surnamed Hippodetos (Binder of Horses). For they say that the Orkhomenians came to this place with an army, and that Hēraklēs by night took their chariot-horses and bound them tight.

9.26.2 Farther on we come to the mountain from which they say the Sphinx, chanting a riddle, sallied to bring death upon those she caught. Others say that roving with a force of ships on a piratical expedition she put in at Anthedon, seized the mountain I mentioned, and used it for plundering raids until Oedipus overwhelmed her by the superior numbers of the army he had with him on his arrival from Corinth.

9.26.3 There is another version of the story which makes her the natural daughter of Laios, who, because he was fond of her, told her the oracle delivered to Kadmos from Delphi. No one, they say, except the kings knew the oracle. Now Laios (the story goes on to say) had sons by concubines, and the oracle delivered from Delphi applied only to Epicaste and her sons. So when any of her brothers came in order to claim the throne from the Sphinx, she resorted to trickery in dealing with them, saying that if they were sons of Laios they should know the oracle that came to Kadmos.

9.26.4 When they could not answer she would punish them with death, on the ground that they had no valid claim to the kingdom or to relationship. But Oedipus came because it appears he had been told the oracle in a dream.

9.26.5 Distant from this mountain fifteen stadium-lengths are the ruins of the city Onkhestos. They say that here dwelled Onkhestos, a son of Poseidon. In my day there remained a temple and image of Onchestian Poseidon, and the grove which Homer too praised.*

9.26.6 Taking a turn left from the Cabeirian sanctuary, and advancing about fifty stadium-lengths, you come to Thespiae, built at the foot of Mount Helicon. They say that Thespia was a daughter of Asopos, who gave her name to the city, while others say that Thespios, who was descended from Erekhtheus, came from Athens and was the man after whom the city was called.

9.26.7 In Thespiaiis a bronze image of Zeus Savior. They say about it that when a dragon once was devastating their city, the god commanded that every year one of their youths, upon whom the lot fell, should be offered to the monster. Now the names of those who perished they say that they do not remember. But when the lot fell on Kleostratos, his lover Menestratos, they say, devised a trick.

9.26.8 He had made a bronze breastplate, with a fish-hook, the point turned outwards, upon each of its plates. Clad in this breastplate he gave himself up, of his own free will, to the dragon, convinced that having done so he would, though destroyed himself, prove the destroyer of the monster. This is why the Zeus has been surnamed Savior. The image of Dionysus, and also that of Fortune, and in another place that of Hygieia … But the Athena Worker, as well as Wealth, who stands beside her, was made by ….

1 Iliad 2.506; HH 2.186.